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Memories of Rockwood Girl Scout Camp

Rockwood was a beloved camp between 1938 an 1978. Photos By Howard and Ruth Marler (1950s).

Rockwood Girl Scout Camp was a beloved location used by the Girl Scouts from 1938 until 1978. thousands of girls visited during that time, but the campo was also used by other groups including but not limited to: Boy Scouts, adult groups, church groups, and even civic groups would hold their meetings there. Today only a part of the property remains and is operated by the County parks and recreation department.

For more on the history of the camp and the efforts to save and preserve it please read Ann Robertson’s Excellent book: “Rescue Rockwood” a beautifully researched and written history of Rockwood.

Howard and Ruth Marler were parents of a girl scout but were very involved professionally with the organization as well. in this video we can see some of the photographs they took of Rockwood Girl Scout Camp. In this particular group, some stand out for mention; one of these is a hand-colored negative used to make a color print for postcards.

There are photos in this set from the visit of Lady Baden-Powell in March of 1956.

There are some instances where you will see the same photo twice in color and in black and white; in these instances, we have been able to discover that Howard would operate the color camera and Ruth take the black and white shot.

To Purchase the Book “Rescue Rockwood please visit the following link:

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Howard Marler Museum Collection Notes
Howard Marler Museum Collection Notes
Howard Marler Museum